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71 liens privés
Je reprend mes essais de gestion des choses à faire avec todo.txt, et je découvre todo-txt-tui, une interface en console qui me parait facile à prendre en main.
j/down: Move cursor down
k/up: Move cursor up
gg: Go top of list
G: Go to bottom of list
n: Add new task (enter to save, esc to dismiss)
e: Edit existing task (enter to save, esc to dismiss)
tab: Autocomplete suggested projects and contexts
E: Edit existing task, but place cursor at the end of task text component instead of end of entire task
x: Toggle task complete/incomplete
X: Complete and archive task immediately
A: Archive completed tasks to done.txt
D: Delete task
P: Postpone task (set due date tomorrow if task has existing due date)
f: Focus search field (enter to focus task list)
r: Reset search/Refresh task list
u: Open URL in focused task
If task has multiple URLs, press u followed by e.g. 2 to open the second URL
U Open all URLs in task
SHIFT + [1-9]: Display only tasks with priority A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H or I
SHIFT + 0: Reset display
t: Toggle visibility of tasks with threshold in future
h: Toggle visibility of hidden tasks
q: Quit application