Quotidien Shaarli

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March 19, 2024

Sylvain Tesson : les vers de la réaction – Le Comptoir

J' apprends des trucs sur Sylvain Tesson qui me font un peu mal au cœur tant j'ai apprécié la lecture de certains de ses ouvrages, mais l'analyse me semble claire et juste. Et c'est bien écrit :)
[et il faut vraiment que je lise Corinne Morel-Darleux !]

A Society That Lost Focus

@ploum signe encore un article passionnant. Merci ! (en anglais)

"Worshipping shallow ideas"
We have valorised the heroic image of the CEO that comes in a meeting and tell engineers, "I have ten minutes left before my next meeting. Tell me everything in five and I’ll take a billion dollar decisions."

"Fighting to get our focus back."
"Even in airplane mode, it was demonstrated that having the phone on your desk or in your bag degrades heavily your attention and your thinking performance. Performance went back to normal only when the phone was put in another room."